Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Day off Maybe more comments off

 Mama is taking a day or 2 or even 3 off, Comments are off. Her leg is swollen and it has to be propped up, so computer time is at a minimum.. BACK SOON

Sunday, April 21, 2024

I WAS a Good Boy!


I was a good boy until about 8 weeks ago. I never did anything bad. I was perfect. My Mama said so. 
She has to follow me around now and pick up my own poop because I poop it and eat it if she is not near by. She noticed while I was eating grass, the photo above and below, see how I dipped my head? and I dug a little with my nose, and SHE jumped into my face and there it was.
A single hard as a rock poop and I had already eaten one, chewing it like candy.

See the poop below? the most she finds is 1 or 2 of them. never a pile. She had fun trying to ID the poop, it came down to raccoon or possum. this is possum.
I think I heard her mumbling about its only two miles to the shelter I came from. 
Maybe not. She does love me a lot.
MAMA here. the problem is we go out in the dark and I can't see the poop, Also I think the Possum buries it, he digs it up.

Guess what? Daddy said he just caught me licking duck splat from the pool deck.
If I disapear you will know WHY 
Since this is Selfie Sunday this will have to do.... or maybe I should say DO DO! ha ha ha

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Here She Goes Again


She did it, she did it, got me through the TP roll. She tried again because Blogger Friend Anne did it of her Dog Gibbs and it was better than mamas, and since they have the same camera, she had to keep trying.

it wore me out as you can see

MY favorite position, 2 pillows and a sofa with daddy's arm near by.